Saturday, 21 March 2020

Query to find executable file details of concurrent program by passing the concurrent prorgam name as input

As part of supporting Oracle daily, sometimes we have to write certain queries multiple times in order to find the details. One such query is to find the concurrent program details like its executable file name. In order to reduce this tedious task, please use below query and keep it handy.

SELECT user_concurrent_program_name, description, concurrent_program_name,EXECUTION_FILE_NAME , 
  FROM fnd_concurrent_programs_vl fcp, fnd_executables fe
 WHERE fcp.executable_id = fe.executable_id
    AND fcp.enabled_flag = 'Y'
--and UPPER(execution_file_name) LIKE  'XX%'  -- pass the file name here
and  UPPER(user_concurrent_program_name) LIKE 
    UPPER( '<Pass the concurrent program here>')
--and concurrent_program_id = 32766
--and concurrent_program_name = '<pass the concurrent prorgam short name here>'

Kindly comment if you like it :)

Lookup For Hold Release Reasons In Order Management

 Oracle has provided an OE lookup "RELEASE_REASON" where it stores all the hold release reason codes.  You can enter your release ...